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Frequently AskedQuestions

No, we don't have access to your data and we don't store copies of it. We only build the reporting suite and give you access to use our reports with your own data

Geckolytics is a Reporting As A Service (RAAS) provider. We create reporting packs which work on the Google's Looker Studio platform. You share your data with Looker Studio and we share the reports with you. You as the end user can then visualize your data using the report packs.

No, we do not own the platforms. We build our reports to run on Looker Studio. For more information on Lookes Studio please refer to the Looker Studio Terms of Service from https://lookerstudio.google.com/

We aim build all our reports with the best caching and API usage in mind. Some of the more complex views to consume a lot of API credits which may then result in your getting an API usage limit message.

These limits are not controlled by Geckloytics but by your data source. Google Analytics 4 has hourly, daily and property limits for diffident types of API requests. 

More detail can be found here 
- https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/quotas

You may also be able to increase your limit requesting an increase from here 
- https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/limits-quotas

No, for all the reports we provide a data selector which enables you to access any of the data sources you have access to and use it in the relevant report. Access if however not shared across multiple google accounts

Yes, you do need a Google account since you will use it to login to Looker Studio and we will use your chosen google account as the reporting users to give you access to all your reports

Yes, you do need a Google account since you will use it to login to Looker Studio and we will use your chosen google account as the reporting users to give you access to all your reports

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